Commercial Pest Control

Every business has unique requirements, no matter what business you are in.
PIPM experts are ready to face any challenge. PIPM designed a customized pest management program according to IPM, AIB standards and your needs.
PIPM prides itself in being at the forefront of helping businesses stay pest free using an Integrative Pest Management (IPM) approach. The practice involves minimizing the usage of chemicals by putting treatment as the last option using the below program:

A- Identification B- Monitoring C- Sanitation

D- Exclusion E- Extermination F- Documentation

We understand that every business is unique to itself, and as a result we develop an IPM program that is suited for your business.

Every assessment begins with a Free on-site survey and consultation. This enables our consultants to evaluate the unique requirements for the premises and recommend the best solutions to control pests. We will then provide you with a pest control proposal that is customized for your business needs.

Once you are agreeable with our pest removal program, PIPM team will launch your pest control treatments into action.


Whether you are running a restaurant, bistro, cafe or any other food and beverage establishment, pest control is one of your major concerns. Food businesses are very prone to pest infestations because they are places where food is served, which attracts all kinds of pests. Your fully stocked fridge, food waste or accidental spills here or there are essentially free meals to these pests. Even with a clean and well-managed establishment, pests are always an immediate threat simply due to the nature of food production.

Your business reputation relies on the swift and timely response in handling the pest problems your F&B shop face. Remember, having a pest problem does not reflect the quality of your food, but only the actions that you take to resolve and prevent it.


The large floor space of your warehouse or industrial property make it challenging to manage pest appearances and infestations. Such premises are vulnerable to all kinds of pest problems and their sheer size is an opportunity for pests to breed and hide since it is not likely that human presence covers the entire area all the time. There are also entrances, access points or delivery doors that must stay open frequently, allowing unwanted pests to enter the property.

Protect your inventories, equipment, furniture and the health of your staff when you get a comprehensive commercial pest control plan with us. All our professionals are not only DM licensed technicians but have also completed IPM courses and many relevant training programs.

Residential Pest Control

As Dubai’s landscape is ever-changing, our treatments consider apartments and homes that have been standing still or newly renovated, that often fall prey to pests. Our customized flush-out treatments are effective and safe. We use a gentle non-staining water-based treatment indoors and on all surfaces.

Most importantly, PIPM understands that protecting your family, loved ones and pets is your priority. That is why our treatments focus on source reduction to minimize the use of chemicals and where possible, we will recommend you non-toxic or low toxicity treatment options. For your peace of mind, we also use water-based chemicals so that any chemical residues can be easily removed from your home once it has done its job and eliminated the pest

Our residential pest control experts have experience in safely and effectively removing pest from your residential property. Most of these problems only Require one time service. So call us now to get a free residential pest control quote over the phone +97143803805